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  1. #1
    FBB-Szene Admin Avatar von FBBFan
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    Interviews -Frauen-

    2011 Ms. Olympia Title Within Yaxeni's Grasp In this in-depth interview, Yaxeni Oriquen-Garcia is on the rise again and plans to add another notch to her Olympia belt! Can Yaxeni Grab The Title?

    Nicole Wilkins Aims To Reclaim Figure Olympia Title No athlete has simultaneously held the both the IFBB Figure International and IFBB Figure Olympia titles. If Nicole Wilkins wins her second Olympia September 16, she will be the first. Will Wilkins Win Again?

    Sonia Gonzales Tightens Up To Defend 2011 Bikini Olympia Title There can only be one champion. Since Ms. Bikini Olympia was added only a year ago, Sonia Gonzales literally is the only champion. Can she repeat as champion in 2011? Will Sonia Defend Her Title?

    Oksana Grishina Looks To Leap Atop Fitness World Fitness Olympia can humble the greatest athletes in the world. Oksana Grishina cracked the Top-Six in 2010. Can she make the leap to champion? Can Oksana Make The Leap?

    Romero Reaches For Figure Pinnacle At Olympia Felicia Romero needed something more after finishing fifth at the 2010 Figure Olympia. She has rebuilt her legs to balance her superior upper body. Felicia Is Going To The Top

  2. #2
    FBB-Szene Admin Avatar von FBBFan
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    Tina Chandler: Female Bodybuilding Interview Of The Month, September 2011 IFBB Pro Women's Bodybuilding Competitor Tina Chandler talks to about the future of bodybuilding and her shot at the top of the division.See Complete Interview

    Cadeau Slashes The Stress, Preps For 2011 Olympia Dayana Cadeau, Ms. Olympia 2004, is the oldest participant in the 2011 Ms. Olympia. She's switching to the Physique class next year, but taking her last shot at Ms. Olympia.See Complete Interview

    Myriam Capes Hunts For Olympia Victory Entering her fifth Olympia, Myriam Capes eagerly lays in wait. She brings fresh choreography and a fine-tuned physique to the 2011 showdown in Las Vegas.See Complete Interview

    Tanji Johnson Has One Vacancy On Her Resume: Ms.Fitness Olympia Tanji Johnson is primed to unseat 5-time Fitness Olympia champion Adela Garcia, but ripping a champion off the throne is never easy.See Complete Interview

  3. #3
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    bin da nicht sooo bewandert in dr Scene,aber warum ist da den nix von der Scadi Frei mit dabei?Ist doch eine Deutsche die da die fahne für uns hochhält.....

    Grüsse Torsten

  4. #4
    FBB-Szene Admin Avatar von FBBFan
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    Zitat Zitat von Totti34

    bin da nicht sooo bewandert in dr Scene,aber warum ist da den nix von der Scadi Frei mit dabei?Ist doch eine Deutsche die da die fahne für uns hochhält.....

    Grüsse Torsten
    ist gleich online

  5. #5
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    Danke!!Bin mal gespannt wo sie landet bei den Amis....Ist ja immer so eine Sache!

    Grüsse Tosrten

  6. #6
    FBB-Szene Admin Avatar von FBBFan
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    IFBB Pro Regiane da Silva with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia

    IFBB Pro Regiane da Silva with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia during the Meet the Pros here in Las Vegas.
    Regiane is always hard and ripped so let's see if the judges notice her as much as her fan base.

    IFBB Pro Alina Popa with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia

    IFBB Pro Alina Popa with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia during the Meet the Pros here in Las Vegas.
    We like Alina's look. This is a great interview between Lenda and Alina talking about the lenght of her prep, cardio and final preparations for the Ms Olympia Bodybuilding contest.

    IFBB Pro Kim Perez with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia

    IFBB Pro Kim Perez with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia during the Meet the Pros here in Las Vegas.
    This is Kim's first Olympia and you can tell she's excited about it just as we are excited to see her on stage. With a great physique topped by awesome shoulders, Kim should do well in her Olympia debut.

    IFBB Pro Debi Laszewski with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia

    IFBB Pro Debi Laszewski with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia during the Meet the Pros here in Las Vegas.
    It's been real exciting to see a girl like Debi perform on stage. She caries her mass well comlimenting a womanly physique fit to be worshipped. Let's see if she makes top 3 again.

    IFBB Pro Yaxeni Oriquen with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia

    IFBB Pro Yaxeni Oriquen with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia during the Meet the Pros here in Las Vegas.
    Yaxeni has won the coveted title once before thus her continuing drive to rectify those mistakes and come in with a win. She opted this year to reduce her mass while doing more cardio. Let's see if it works!

    IFBB Pro Sheila Bleck with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia

    IFBB Pro Sheila Bleck with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia during the Meet the Pros here in Las Vegas.
    Sheila placed 4th last year at the Ms Olympia so this year she's looking to inprove on that. However, she has Debie, Yaxeni and Iris to contend with. So, the only way is to win on conditioning and lines through proper diet and training. Let's see if the time off worked.

  7. #7
    FBB-Szene Admin Avatar von FBBFan
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    IFBB Pro Iris Kyle with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia

    IFBB Pro Iris Kyle with Lenda Murray Before the Ms Olympia during the Meet the Pros here in Las Vegas.
    Iris has won 6 Ms Internationals and 6 Ms Olimpias. Will this weekend prove to be her lucky 7? Driven and dedicated even Lenda Murray had to praise Debi on how consistent she is your in and year out.

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