
I just wanted to say thanks for all the support. I feel a lot better about every thing now, since all you great people that really matter, let me know that you know the truth.
This weekend went awesome. I had so much fun at the USPF Meet. I was really conservative except for the Deadlift. I only took two attempts on squat 750-804 (got all white lights and only wore my single ply Metal Suit with no briefs). 804 was very easy. Bench I was even more conservative due to shoulder issues. I only took two attempts 405 raw then 500 with loose shirt. I did go hard on deadlift opening with 738 easy, then went to 804 and got it easy, but lost concentration and dropped it when I got the down signal. Repeated and crushed it. I am more confident then I have ever been in my life. I believe that I had at least 830 in me. The match up between me and Ed Coan at the Mountaineer is going to be awesome.

Thanks for the support,

Travis Mash
