JELENA ABBOU: One of the sexiest women in the lineup…… Super small waist…….fantastic butt. Capped delts… Tan can be darker. I’d like to see her a little harder…

TERESA ANTHONY: Super small waist….. capped delts… Legs have come up but can still be bigger to balance the upper body. One of the smallest waists

ANDREA CANTONE: Excellent conditioning……. Ripped waist….glutes are tight….. great look for her. Tan can be darker

AVA COWAN: She went white blond (after yelling at me for telling her I like her blond)…… I like her with slightly longer hair Great physique. Small ripped waist…….

JAMI DEBERNARD: Good back width…. Tight waist. Good tan

HEATHER DEES: Won her first show this year…… super cute… Capped delts….. Conditioning can be better……. I’ve seen her tighter

GAL FERREIRA-YATES: Won this NORDIC PRO…. One of the more muscular looks…. Cappe delts…… Great structure What will judges do with her??

ALLISON FRAHN: Small waist. Very cute….. Good back width.. A little tentative with her posing.

MALLORY HALDEMAN: Super tiny waist. Shoulders are not that wide but she still has good taper

ALICIA HARRIS: very athletic physique. Waist is ripped… Best we’ve seen her in a while Glutes are tight