Zitat Zitat von Little Arni
so ist es! Arni war ja auch eine faule Person!!!

machte lieber Party, vergnügte sich mit Frauen etc.

ER Trainierte ja nur 4 Monate im Ganzen Jahr!!!
ER wusste WANN!!!
ER kannte seinen Körper in und auswendig...

er hasste das Training!!!!! ist Tatsache!

... so long
hier die geschichte mit arnis skilehrer spruch

Shortly after Viator won the 1971 Mr. America contest, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu spent several days in Florida visiting Arthur Jones. Naturally, they observed Viator’s training. When Arnold returned to California, he wrote an article about Casey that was later published in Muscle Builder (June 1972). Here is what he wrote:

“Viator is a gym monster. I never witnessed such ferocious, almost suicidal training in my life. He kills the weights. He kills the equipment. And most of all he tortures himself to hysteria. He does forced reps until an observer could puke from horror. He absolutely torments himself; he turns blue in the face. He pumps so much blood into an attacked muscle that it looks like a minizeppelin. Each set is blasted past failure exactly the same way. The muscles are never shown any mercy whatsoever. They expand 200%... 300%. More. Not only that, but when a set ends, no rest. Next exercise in a flash. He switches from movement to movement. From apparatus to apparatus faster than you could take notes. He bangs away at each set until he can’t muster another muscle twitch. He flushes each body part until the limb or area is paralyzed. This is prime quality multiplied by a factor of dedication and madness no bodybuilder has ever approached. If I had to do this every day I’d opt for a hernia, go back to Austria and be a ski instructor.”