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    Trainingspläne von Kampfsportlern

    Habt ihr links zu den Trainingsplänen von Profi-Kampfsportlern?
    Dann nix wie her damit!
    Ganz egal ob Boxen, Kickboxen, Muay Thai, Karate,Wrestling.....und was es sonst noch gibt....

    und Zwar nicht nur deren Krafttraining, sondern auch sonst alles.

  2. #2
    Flex Leser Avatar von SiAp
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    sean sherk's training:

    Where It All Starts
    People ask me what role strength plays in grappling. I think strength helps a lot, but technique and conditioning are the most important things. A fighter could have the best technique and the best athletic ability in the world, but that is all worthless if he does not have cardio in the gas tank.

    To help avoid injuries, I stretch every day before training, but I'm not flexible at all. Flexibility may be important in some people's fighting style, and this is especially true for jiu-jitsu guys who use the guard a lot. My style is to try to overwhelm my opponents with speed, explosion, power and conditioning.

    Recovery is important because your body needs time to repair itself and replenish nutrients lost during hard training. If you don't give your body time to recover properly, then it will not perform at the highest level possible, which in turn means your training will suffer.

    To stay hydrated during training, I consume about 2 gallons of water every day and a bottle of Pedialyte. I drink half in the morning and half at night.

    I use many supplements, such as protein drinks, creatine, glutamine and many different types of vitamins. Each supplement has a different purpose to help with recovery, strength, conditioning and overall health.

    Keys To Muscular Growth
    I do bodybuilding-type exercises, focusing on each body part, and I do a lot of different exercises for each body part. I lift weights six days a week, and I hit each body part two times a week. I do three to four exercises for each body part, so that ends up being 12-16 total sets per body part, which does not include warm-up sets. I do 8-10 reps in each set and 12-14 reps for my warm-up sets.

    Every exercise helps in a different way, but mostly I lift for muscle endurance so I can stay strong in the later rounds of my fights.

    The keys to muscular growth are to eat a lot of protein and make sure my body's getting a lot of calories and carbs to grow and keep my energy going. My main goals are to maintain size and strength.

    When I make my cut to 155, I will have to go on a much different diet. I'm currently seeking the help of a few different nutritionists.

    I lift in the afternoon after my morning workout and then follow it up with some cardio. A few days a week, I will follow that up with more training at night.

    Speed Training
    For speed training, I do a lot of explosive-type drills with resistant cables. For example, I do cable shots for my takedowns, cable sprawls and kettle bell training for my sprawl, and sprints and cable sprints for overall explosiveness.

    To help with my speed, timing and accuracy with my punches, I use the speed bag and the double-end bag. To further bolster my hand explosiveness, I also have some resistance cables that I use for shadow boxing. Plus, I work a lot with focus mitts. When I am doing these drills, I throw every combo as fast as I can, and that helps with my speed and cardio.

    While I work on my speed, I think genetics plays a big role in speed and explosiveness. There are two types of quick-twitch muscle fibers: "A" and "B." Fast-twitch muscle fibers are responsible for giving you your speed, agility, quickness and power.

    The "A" fibers are used for prolonged anaerobic activity, like distance sprinting, swimming or fighting. "B" fibers get tired a lot faster. In fact, these muscles tire the most easily of any muscle fibers. "B" fibers are used for very short anaerobic activities such as power lifting, short sprints, etc. By strengthening the fast-twitch muscle fibers, you can increase the speed at which the muscles contract or move.

    12-Week Fight Preparation

    Following are my workouts when I am preparing for a fight:

    I start my training 12 weeks out. I begin with one workout a day and gradually pick it up. I'm at my full training routine by the time I'm 10 weeks out. I start my diet about the same time.
    Eventually, I build to two to four training sessions per day, six days a week. Each workout is 1 to 1 1/2 hours long; Sunday is my day off.
    When I grapple, I go for 50 to 60 minutes per session. I do this five days a week.
    I hit focus mitts three times a week for about 25 minutes.
    Two times per week I spar, and I go 10 rounds each time.
    Two times a week for 45 minutes, I drill hard takedowns.
    Six days a week I lift weights, and I do two body parts a day.
    I do distance cardio three times a week for about 30 minutes.
    One or two times a week, I swim 20 to 40 laps in a pool.
    Once a week, I do sprints and run bleachers.
    I train hard until three days before the fight. I have one workout at about noon two days before the fight and then rest till showtime. That gives me about 55 hours of rest before my fight, which is plenty. After the weigh-in, I try to eat every two hours and drink consistently until fight time.

  3. #3
    Flex Leser Avatar von SiAp
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    hab vergessen bilder anzuhängen!

  4. #4
    Sportrevue Leser Avatar von dr.Hasenbein
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    Hatte mal nen thread zum "ross Training" aufgemacht, vielleicht ist das auch was...

  5. #5
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    jau! Mehr!

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