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  1. #51
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    Gleich ma Flug in die USA buchen und die Jessica trösten. Bestimmt hat er jetzt ne dicke.

  2. #52
    75-kg-Experte/in Avatar von p4co
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    Na komm bin ich ma ned so, ich halts so kurz wie möglich aber Jessicas Part musste ich fast komplett zitieren...:

    Paige Putnam Teague:
    Jessica wird immer ihre Schwägerin sein und sie liebt sie, sie liebt auch ihren Bruder bedingungslos, halten aber nix von seinen Handlungen. Er hat Jessica und unsere Familie verwüstet und und es bricht ihnen das Herz.
    Ist nur ein Teil seines Charakters aber sie haben genug von ihm bis er es wirklich vor Gott bereut sindse fertig mit ihm.

    Kyle Paxson:
    Er is angeekelt davon wie er Jessica behandelt hat, sie verdient es gut behandelt zu werden, er hat mehrmals bewiesen ihr und sei Familie dasser das ned tut. Er hat Recht damit, dasses zwei seiten gibt und er glaubt, dass sei Schwester noch sehr sparsam mit peinlichen Informationen war. Er is froh dasses vorbei is und sei Schwester sich erholen kann.

    Statt allen einzeln zu antworten antwortetse allen direkt, will sich eigentlich ned rechtfertigen aber weil sie soviele supporter und friends hat machtse dat trotzdem.
    Sie will ned, dass alle Glauben, dass sie ihren Eheschwur vor Gott bzw. ihre Beziehung aufgegeben haben.
    Ohne ins Detail zu gehen, da waren mehrere unangebrachte Beziehungen von ihm mit anderen Weibs. Eine ganze Affäre wurde aufgedeckt und er hat die wohl verfolgt statt der Ehe.
    Sie war ned perfekt aber nichts davon rechtfertigt eine Affäre oder Scheidung.
    Sie hat für ihre Ehe gekämpft aber irgendwann gehts nimmer wenns ungesund wird.
    Sie vertraut auf Gott in dieser schweren Zeit. Sie hat Nachricht von ihm erhalten und weiss nu dasses das richtige is wasse tut.
    Ein Pfarrer hat ihr gesagt, sie solle einfach n Zettel nehmen und schreiben, Gott leitet sie:
    Das hatse geschrieben, das verkürz ich auch ned:
    "Marschier weiter,
    du bist ein Soldat Gottes und wirst andere inspirieren und anführen,
    du hast soviel mehr zu Geben und hälst dich zurück,
    Gaben wurden dir gegeben und du musst dienen,
    Ich bin Gott

    Sie weiss aus tiefster Seele, das kam direkt von Gott.
    Das wird sie für immer verändern und sie weiss er wacht über sie. Sie hofft und betet ihre Geschichte berührt euch, und ihr entscheidet euch diesen grossartigen und starken kennenzulernen, der sie durch die harte Zeit in ihrem Leben führt.
    Sie bittet um Gebete und dankt für eure Liebe.

    Peter Putnam:
    Einige Pfade sind klar und ersichtlich, andere unklar. So wie sich das Leben bewegt merkt er nun, im Leben gehts um Entscheidungen. Macht ned immer Spass oder ist einfach aber es stimmt aber als guter Christ weiss er, Gottes Wort ist wahr.

    Er bedauert schweren Herzens denen weh getan zu haben die ihn lieben, er weiss er ist ein Sünder, aber er weiss, nichts kann ihn von Gottes Wort trennen. Bla bla bla Bibelzitat.

    Es gibt immer 2 Seiten der Geschichte aber er will niemand die Schuld geben, er muss ein besserer Mensch werden und er muss gebrochen werden um das zu schaffen.

    Bla bla, er bedankt sich für Gebete und ist dankbar für Jesus seine Gnade.
    "Das Kreuz ist das ultimative Symbol der Sünde die benutzt wurde für Gods Glory.

  3. #53
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    bevor es ihm von Herzen Leid tut vor dem Lord (vermutlich deren Grossgrundbesitzer).
    Made my day!!

  4. #54
    Sportstudent/in Avatar von Panda23
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    Und ich dachte der liebe Gott ist gemeint

  5. #55
    BB-Schwergewicht Avatar von BigPascal
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    Immer die Amis mit ihrem Glauben...naja wenns hilft...

  6. #56
    Sportstudent/in Avatar von b000gie
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    Zitat Zitat von Steven Klippstein
    Putnams Kaputnam

    I have heard many times that relationships within the industry can’t work. Even more so, two athletes that compete and work inside our industry are doomed to eventually fail. I hate hearing that, and I often like to quote to naysayers all of the couples happily married or together that prove this theory false. I often use Branch and Trish Warren as an example. I also regularly mention Mark Alvisi and Ava Cowan, my co-host Cristina Vujnich and Michael Liberatore. All six of those folks are IFBB Pros and seemingly happily living together. But the couple I mention the most when disavowing people of their mistaken beliefs are the Putnams. Jessica, the former cheerleader, and Peter, the All-American athlete. Hell, they were the first married couple to ever appear on the covers of FLEX magazine. The two have been married for a little over 4 years, and until recently there were no outward signs that anything was amiss.

    Peter and Jessica met at the 2004 Collegiate National Championship in Pittsburgh (which is actually going on this weekend). Peter won the bodybuilding and Jessica won the figure. They both were in relationships at the time, but obviously the meeting made an impression on each of them. As soon as Peter was single, he emailed the also newly single Jessica. The rest was a fairytale, until now.

    Before I get really going, I want to say I was directed to some very strange postings made by Peter on his personal Facebook page. I originally didn’t know what to think of them, as I thought maybe his continuous mentioning of “someone special” must mean Jessica. It just seemed too strange that he might be posting about cheating on his spouse publicly on Facebook, even if it is your private page. These posting started around the first of the month. Here is a screen shot of his page:
    (This page was supposed to be "secret", and has since been deleted. Thank GOD for screen shots.)

    "Someone special"?

    NEW ADDITIONAL screen shot- The Putnam Family isn't happy:

    Posted by Jessica Putnam:

    On Monday 18th July 2011, @JessFit said:

    Dear friends,

    Instead of answering individual messages or posts, it is with a heavy heart that I am addressing the fact that you may have heard (or will be hearing) that Peter and I are in the process of finalizing our divorce. I would never feel the need to explain something so personal if we didn’t have so many great supporters that I feel obligated to.

    I wanted to make a single statement to all of our incredible friends and supporters.

    My obligation lies in the fact that Peter and I have openly professed our faith and I cannot let those that know that we made a vow, promise, and covenant before God think that we gave up or that it just didn’t work out… That is far from the truth.

    Without going into detail, I will say that over an extended period of our marriage there were inappropriate relationships between my husband and other women. Recently a full blown adulterous affair was committed and he continues to pursue that, instead of our marriage.

    I feel the need to state the obvious…I have been far from a perfect wife and take ownership of the fact that I have a lot of things that I need to work on, but biblically none would have been reasons, or excuses for an affair or a divorce.

    I have fought for my marriage because I love my husband; believe that marriage is for life, and that God blesses that union. There comes a point, though, when one has to let go. I was given no choice when things became so unhealthy.

    I trust that God is working through this very difficult time in my life. I know this because I received a word from Him that not only comforted me, but possibly changed my life forever. I will leave you with that word:

    *I was told by the pastor that married Peter and I (Pastor Michael Wenger that the Lord spoke to him and told him that I should take a pen and piece of paper and write, not think about what I was writing but let the Holy Spirit guide me. He said that God would speak to me.

    (Peter, Pastor Mike, and Jessica)

    I was nervous about doing this, but I took his word and began to write…I started off feeling cautious and over thinking things, but all of a sudden my hand started to fly over the paper and before I knew it I was done writing, but I had no clue what I had just written.
    This is what I wrote:

    "March on.
    You are a soldier and warrior of God and you will lead others and be an inspiration.
    You have SO much more to give and you have been held back.
    Gifts have been given to you and you must serve.
    I am God.

    You may not believe in God, but I know in my heart, mind, soul, and the very depth of my being that this was a direct message from God. He said, “I am God”!!!

    As Pastor Mike said, “some people go their whole lives without hearing God in such an amazing way, but the God of the universe was gracious enough to speak to you in this miraculous way".

    This will forever change me and I know He is watching over me. I hope and pray my story will touch your hearts and you will consider getting to know this amazing and powerful God that is comforting and walking me through one of the hardest times in my life.

    I ask for your prayers and thank you for all of your love and support.

    In Him,


    Remorse And A Heavy Heart
    by Peter Putnam on Friday, July 22, 2011 at 10:56am

    Some paths are highlighted with markers easily leading you to a point or destination. Others are unclear, uneven, and often have obstacles. As life unwinds and the journey continues I realize more than ever, life is about choices. It's not always fun or easy but we know this is true. Some choices you never imagined making. Things become murky; they can become unclear, but as a Christian I know God's Word IS very clear.

    It's with remorse and a heavy heart that I've brought pain and anguish to someone who loves me deeply. I acknowledge I'm a sinner. I'm a proud man who is humbly pursuing the Lord. I have confidence that nothing can separate us from the love of the Lord. Romans 8:28-30 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son... And those whom He predestined He also called, and those whom He called He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified.

    There’s many sides to the equation and two sides two every story; often the accounts differ based on who's version you hear. This isn't that or intended to shift guilt or blame. I recognize my need to become a better man and I need to be broken to do so.

    I appreciate everyone's prayers and support during this time and hope that even when looking at this insanely emotional situation that Christ's love and grace can be displayed. I'm thankful for His mercy. The cross is the ultimate example of sin being used for God's glory. May this prove to be a story of redemption and Christ is made known.

    I don’t know if it’s in bad taste to say this, but… What’s with all the religious/Jesus/God references? Oy vey! Anyway, looks like I am going to have to find a replacement for my list of “relationships that DO work in the industry.” Anyone have any suggestions?

    *Multiple sources tell me that this is not the first time Peter has cheated on Jessica and was the cause of her withdrawing her name from the Bikini International last year.*
    jajaja, aussehen ist nicht alles.aber das der typ so bescheuert aussieht, und dann auch noch sie verlaesst und sie HEART BROKEN ist...?????? wtf...????

  7. #57
    Flex Leser Avatar von Mr.Sonnenstrand
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    Manche Menschen bleiben für immer zusammen, andere trennen sich,.......passiert jeden Tag tausendfach. Ansich hat sich hier der weniger erfolgreiche Pro von der erfolgreicheren IFBB-Athletin getrennt.

    P.s. früher war mir der "schielende Blick" von Putnam immer aufgefallen. Was ich aber erst jetzt aus der akt. Flex erfahren habe, ist, dass Peter Putnam als Kind von anderen Jugendlichen mit einem Luftgewehr beschossen wurde, und dadurch ein Auge verlor.

  8. #58
    BB-Schwergewicht Avatar von BigPascal
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    oh ok, das wusst ich auch nicht, hab mich gerade nur gefragt warum er so krass schielt.
    Das ist natürlich nicht so schön.

    Naja, die beiden werden auch getrennt weiter machen.

  9. #59
    Eisenbeißer/in Avatar von megalex
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    Hat man doch gesehen das er da ein Glasauge hat
    Wie dem auch sei, passiert millionenmal auf der Welt, habe eh nie verstanden warum solch eine Frau auf einen Typos wie Ihn abfährt. Na ja, wo die Liebe hinfällt (und auch wieder schwindet).

  10. #60
    75-kg-Experte/in Avatar von dendedeblood
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    ist das eine Wurst......und die haben meistens leider die richtig tollen Frauen, bestätigt sich leider immer wieder!!!!

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