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  1. #1
    Eisenbeißer/in Avatar von Adis
    Registriert seit

    Ultimative Ernährungspläne der Pros Thread

    wie der Titel schon sagt, postet alle Ernährungspläne (Wettkampfdiät, Aufbau) der Bodybuildingprofis hier rein. Alles was eure private Festplattensammlung hergibt.
    Für die Mühe schonmal ein großes DANKE!

    Ich fang mal an:

    Jay Cutler's Plan für Muskelaufbau

    Beispiel 1
    1. Mahlzeit
    2 Eier
    5 Eiklar
    1 Scheibe fettarmer Käse
    2 große Pancakes
    1/2 Tasse Apfelkompott

    2. Mahlzeit
    150 g Hähnchenbrust
    1 1/2 Tassen Reis(gekocht)
    100 g Nudeln(Rohgewicht)
    1 Tasse Tomatensoße

    3. Mahlzeit
    150 g Hähnchenbrust(Rohgewicht)
    100 g Nudeln(Rohgewicht)
    1 Tasse Tomatensoße
    210 g gebackene Kartoffel

    4. Mahlzeit
    200 g Tartar(Rohgewicht)
    270 g gebackene Kartoffel(Rohgewicht)
    1/2 Tasse gemischtes Gemüse
    1 Apfel

    5. Mahlzeit
    1 Tasse fettarmer Hüttenkäse
    7 EL Haferflocken
    1 Tasse Ananas
    1 Banane

    6. Mahlzeit
    120 g Flankensteak
    1 Pitabrot
    2 EL Fettarme Mayonnaise
    2 Scheiben Tomaten
    1 große Banane

  2. #2
    Eisenbeißer/in Avatar von Adis
    Registriert seit
    Noch einen:

    Jay Cutler 2007 Off Season Nutrition Strategy (Aufbau)

    Meal 1
    15 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 4 slices of Ezekial toast, 1 cup (dry) of Ezekial with one cup of coffee.

    Meal 2
    10 oz. steak with 2 cups of rice.

    Pre-Workout 1 scoop of Cell-Tech.

    Workout Train for an hour

    Post-Workout 1 scoop of Cell-Tech with 3 scoops of Anator P70.

    Meal 3
    10 oz. of chicken with 4 cups of rice (cooked).

    Meal 4
    10 oz. of buffalo meat with 2 cups of rice.

    Meal 5
    10 oz. of turkey, one cup of Ezekial cereal and 2 slices of Ezekial bread.

    Meal 6
    3 scoops of Nitro-Tech and 4 slices of Ezekial bread.

    Was ist Ezekial?

    "Ezekiel Bread Recipe

    Combine the following whole grains:

    * 2-1/2 cups hard red wheat
    * 1-1/2 cups spelt or rye
    * 1/2 cup barley (hulled barley)
    * 1/4 cup millet
    * 1/4 cup lentils (green preferred)
    * 2 Tbs. great northern beans
    * 2 Tbs. red kidney beans
    * 2 Tbs. pinto beans

    Stir the above ingredients very well. Grind in flour mill.

    Measure into large bowl:

    * 4 cups lukewarm water
    * 1 cup honey
    * 1/2 cup oil

    Add to liquids:

    freshly milled flour from the above mixture of grains

    * 2 tsp. salt
    * 2 Tbs. yeast

    Stir or knead until well kneaded about 10 minutes. This is a batter type bread and will not form a smooth ball.

    Pour dough into greased pans. You may use 2 large loaf pans (10x5x3) or 3 med. loaf pans or 2-9x13 brownie pans. Let rise in a warm place for one hour or until the dough is almost to the top of the pan. If it rises too much it will over flow the pan while baking. Bake at 350o for 45-50 minutes for loaf pans and 35-40 minutes for brownie pans.

    *For fasting divide bread into 8 equal parts weighing 1/2 pound each. Eat a 1/2 pound cake and drink a quart of water every day. For fasting I do not alter the recipe.

    This is a very sweet, moist, cake-like bread. You may also add fruits and nuts or use the flour made from this mixture in other favorite recipes. This healthy combination of grains and beans is worth experimenting with. Combining grains and beans makes a complete protein."

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