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  1. #41
    Men`s Health Abonnent Avatar von Qubi
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    Er war von MM betrogen worden - aber - noch viel schlimmer für ihn - wurde sein Ansehen und sein Ruf durch MM´s Verhalten beschädigt.
    das steht ja so auch noch gar nicht fest. Das ist die Behauptung von Milos. Kennst Du ihn? Kannst Du Dich auf seine Aussagen verlassen?
    Ich schätze, dass wir alle nur Beobachter einer privaten Auseinandersetzung sind und niemand weiss, was tatsächlich gelaufen ist, wie die Sache los ging, was die Wahrheit und was gelogen oder unterstellt war. Ebenso beruht alles bislang nur auf Mutmassungen, warum sich bislang Mustafa noch nicht dazu gemeldet hat. Muss er das überhaupt?

  2. #42
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von Starzan
    Ben und ArnoldAnabo sollen doch auch ihre Erfahrungen mit Musti gemacht haben:
    Zitat Zitat von Milos Sarcev
    Ben, Arnold Anabo - why don't you tell your stories?
    Mich würden Statements von anderen Leuten interessieren, also Links zu amerikanischen Boards, in denen das Thema behandelt wird oder ähnliches.

    Ridgeback: Shawn? Wo gibts etwas von ihm darüber zu lesen?
    Sorry, wo ist denn der Originalpost von Milos hin? Kann ihn nicht finden. Wird hier zensiert?

  3. #43
    Flex Leser Avatar von milou2007
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    Nein es wurde diesbezüglich nicht zensiert, der erste Post von Milos steht im Arnold Classic Thread.

    Zitat von Milos Sarcev :

    "I was informed about this thrad and I would just like to make myself available to answer ANY questions members or moderators might have for me.

    As I unquestionably ALWAYS stay behind everything that I do and say - I am open for criticism about my decision to expose true Mustafa to bodybuilding comunity.

    People can only assume things and make their judgements - but I am here NOT TO HIDE but face any charges that members might have.

    I believe that I proved more than once my friendship and loyalty to Mustafa (spanding night in Las Vegas and week later in Amsterdam's local hospitals. Than sticking up for him in IFBB case when he was warned that he will loose his pro card - and getting in argument /for him/ with top IFBB officials. Finnaly, after arranging a MD photoshoot for him with double the fee - I got in argument FOR HIM with MD editor and photographer.

    Also, after personally paying for his hotels in New York, Texas and Charlotte competitions, paying the airfaire for him to Texas and Charlotte, putting him in hotel accross the street of my gym for 7 weeks (total)...and numerous other things (that normally I would not mention - but now I am - FOR A REASON) ...he asked me for a personal loan - which he never returned.

    Than he asked me to come back this year and prepare AGAIN in my gym (at my expense) which I refused.
    He later contacted his personal friend Faramaz (NPC top amateur bodybuilder) and asked him if he can stay with him...
    Faramaz called me and asked me what happened - and I told him the truth.
    Day latter Mustafa called me and told me he is going to kill me IF I tell this to anyone!?!

    At the Ironman Mustafa approached me infront of Armin, Heiko and several other people like nothing happened.
    I refused to shake his hand as I told him I don't respect him...

    Day after the contest I got the call from John Lindsay (San Francisco promoter) stating that he doesn't want me to bring any athlete to San Francisco that would make trouble - like Mustafa did to Ironman's promoter John Balik.
    I told him that Mustafa is NOT my athlete.

    After the Arnold classics - official IFBB athlete representative Bob Chichorillo told me that he has serious problem with my athlete (Mustafa) and that Mustafa's actions WILL NOT BE TOLERATED by the IFBB.
    He announced on live TV that he is inded surprised that one of my athletes would react like this.

    So, to make story simple - I never responded to "my problem" with Mustafa publically before - as I was keeping it private.
    However, due to repeating actions of Mustafa that are also affecting me - I wanted to put things in prospective and explain EXACTLY what is going on.

    As many people could confirm what I am saying (but for some reason they are not speaking like I do??) Mustafa has a habit of asking for a loan and never returning back.

    Even though my public spaeking about this issue lowers my standard and class (and it is certainly not good thing for my image) I choose to do it JUST TO SAVE SOME OTHER NAIVE PEOPLE (like I was) about trained professional (Mustafa) who knows very well how to scam people for money.

    As I know that Mustafa reads this board - he knows that everything I am telling you here is what I told him and WILL TELL HIM AGAIN every time I see him.

    And as far as his death treat to me - THAT'S ANOTHER STORY..."

  4. #44
    Men`s Health Abonnent Avatar von hara
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    @dsg: sorry, aber musti braucht sich nicht einmal dazu äußern. ich bin kein bb, habe noch nie mit musti kontakt gehabt - das stell ich mal voraus. androgen 2000 ist auch kein bb, kennt musti auch nicht persönlich und ich weiß genau was er meint obwohl wir über das thema noch nie gesprochen haben! er ist in bestimmt kreisen bekannt für solche dinge!

    näher möcht ich nicht darauf eingehen!

  5. #45
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    Hallo Arnold, ich meinte eigentlich Milos` Quote, in dem er Dich und Ben anspricht....

  6. #46
    Eisenbeißer/in Avatar von WeeWee
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    Zitat Zitat von IhrPlatz
    Hallo Arnold, ich meinte eigentlich Milos` Quote, in dem er Dich und Ben anspricht....
    To respond to Kockie:

    hi milos,

    it´s sad and sorrowful how your friendship to MM got this way.
    But nevertheless it is a personal Problem of you and MM.
    So, how come abot telling Faramaz about your personal problem with MM.
    it just regards you and MM. You should have not lied, but you could have also said nothing about the loan.

    ****Faramaz called me and asked me WHY am I not inviting MM back to Fullerton. I simply gave him 100% honest and accurate answer with all the reasons behind it. Faramaz spent the night with me in Las Vegas hospital after 2004 Mr. Olympia - with Mustafa in very bad condition.
    Why would I say nothing about the loan when loan is EXACT reason why Mustafa and I had a problem?

    Beside, you alway knew about financial Problems of MM.
    I remember when you said after a big competition, that MM just had few dollars left and for that he bought some presents for his children.

    ****I always knew about his financial problems as he always talked about it. But, with all his problems he still ALWAYS managed tgo buy numerous gifts to his whole family. Guess where he got money from for that?

    How come to loan someone with few dollars so much money?!
    Have you never asked him after weeks oder thousands about your costs?
    why did you wait so long, why have you given oder supported him so long or so much money?

    ****Mustafa told me and my wife that he will have to go back to Austria and NOT compete at the Olympia because Austrian Governement will take away his gym - unless he immediately gives them "undisclosed" amount of money.
    He and his wife supposedly tried to negotiate with the Gov. and asked for two week extension - but Gov. refused it.
    So he asked me for a loan and I actually "borrowed" money to give it to him - with clear understanding that I will get my money back right after the Olympia. It is public knowledge that MM got $12000 for his 10th place finish - so money was there and available...but he choose to take both - my loan, prize money (I should say all three: including my continuous "gifts" throughout his preparation...).

    Did you ever wonder WHY would I even go on board and publicly speak about it?
    What do I have to gain by telling this story?

    Well, I am now aware that numerous people (including moderators of this very board...Ben, Arnold Anabo - why don't you tell your stories?) from all over the world are tricked by this con-artist.
    I accepted him in my home, my mothers home, my gym...and did so many things for him that I am sick even thinking about it...
    If he could take advantage of me - I am sure that he could do the same to many others - so the sole reason for me going publicaly and exposing him is: SO HE WOULD NOT DO IT AGAIN TO SOMEONE ELSE.

    I will take a slap to my image for doing this - but this is something I consciously choose to do.

    "AUDIATUR AT ALTERA PARS" (Latin for: let's hear the story of other person involved) - as some of you said: let's hear from Mustafa...and see his side of the story.

    I just can't wait.

    This was "open letter to Milos" and as you can see - I have answered immediately.

    Any more questions?

  7. #47
    Neuer Benutzer
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    Ridgeback: Shawn? Wo gibts etwas von ihm darüber zu lesen?
    from: Milos_Sarcev on March 09, 2006, 11:22:56 AM
    It is $350...but that's not the money I am talking about.
    It was urgent loan that should have been returned to me in November...Check is somehow lost in the mail...

    from Shawn_I can vouche for this " Loan" as I was approared as well to help Mustafa save his Gym or something like that but you know me and Money, it is hard separate us! Grin
    Boy was I lucky not to play into his request for Cash, do I look lika a Bank? Kiss

    Greets Ridge

  8. #48
    Registriert seit
    Maybe it is time, that somebody speaks out, what the most people in this scene allready know, you all know, that Musti was sponsored by Body Attack and BBSzene, but a short time, before Milos problems with Musti, we stopped this sponsoring because of the same reasons, that Milos ist talking about. I never said even a word, because i didn't want to destroy Mustis career and I am a taoist, so I know, that everything Musti does to other people will come back to him ... an this is now happening.

    I personally don't want to have anything to do with this Mustafa.

    AND, believe me, Milos stays very cool in this thread compared to what his experience with this guy was.

    Regards, Ben.

  9. #49
    Flex Leser Avatar von milou2007
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    Zitat von Christina S. Wright aus Milos Forum :

    "I can unfortunately vouch for what happened between Milos and Mustafa as I saw it with my own eyes. Mustafa appeared to be such a sincere, genuine person until he was given the money. Then, the true side came out....not returning phone calls, choosing to ignore Milos' plea to return the money, and then lying and having other people lie for him.

    This was very upsetting to Milos as he genuinely cared for Mustafa and wanted to help him and his family. Some people know how to manipulate others to get just what they want. It has been a tremendous financial stress on Milos and his family. "

    Zitat von Lana Dora aus Milos Forum :

    "Pretty DAMM sad.
    I think it is great that we are WARNED about peeps like this.

    This man should be ASHAMED.


    ....AND SHOULD.




  10. #50
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    Zitat Zitat von Ben
    Maybe it is time, that somebody speaks out, what the most people in this scene allready know, you all know, that Musti was sponsored by Body Attack and BBSzene, but a short time, before Milos problems with Musti, we stopped this sponsoring because of the same reasons, that Milos ist talking about. I never said even a word, because i didn't want to destroy Mustis career and I am a taoist, so I know, that everything Musti does to other people will come back to him ... an this is now happening.

    I personally don't want to have anything to do with this Mustafa.

    AND, believe me, Milos stays very cool in this thread compared to what his experience with this guy was.

    Regards, Ben.
    did mustafa also cheat on you or did you only cancel his sponsoring because of knowing about his behaviour towards others?

    so I know, that everything Musti does to other people will come back to him
    this would be good closing words

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